Angels Walking

Emily Dickinson must have felt this way, peering out the window, observing nature and animals romping around, seemingly safe, in their habitat. The pain ripping through my insides subsided for a moment, as I viewed the group of ladies as they strolled past. I glanced at the clock, nine, right on time. Angels Walking…kind, generous, considerate women walking and talking each day as a group.

I love to exercise. A daily workout is part of my DNA, probably due to being raised on a working farm (tasks from morning to night). In college, I took many physical education classes and joined in social groups to keep active, so sitting in a comfy chair watching the beautiful ladies walking tears me up.

As a competitive runner I ranked in the top finalist; however, never won a single event. During COVID Isolation I fell, and lost the incentive to exercise. In addition, many responsibilities weighed heavy on me “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” I gained weight, as many people did during the tragic time.

Post annual medical review I began walking with a YouTube exceptional woman, Leslie Sansone ~Walk at Home~. Walking twice a day wasn’t enough. Several surgeries and cancer treatments later the malignancies continue to grow and destroy my normal life.

The ladies rounded the corner and were returning. All of their names begin with S, which isn’t important to this blog, but interesting none-the-less. The sunlight bounced rays from their hair and reflected from the hardware on their hats. One of the ladies caught my attention and waved. They want me to walk with them, and God willing I’ll be able to join them but for now a simple wave through the glass will suffice.

Will I have the opportunity to once again resume my normal lifestyle or am I destined to end life like Emily Dickinson?

Published by romancewithjjkeller

jj Keller is a native Hoosier. A dreamer. A writer. A storyteller. She's married and has two sons. Traveling to exotic locations is something she can't do enough of (even if it's only in her mind) and puttering around in her herbal garden is her favorite pastime. She enjoys a good story, easy listening music and a fine glass of wine. Urban fantasy, paranormal, romantic suspense and thrillers are her favorite genres. jj is a member of Romance Writers of America and Kiss of Death Chapter

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